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ObjectiveC: Strange behavior when using NSString and __weak with ARC

Tarun Kumar 1754 21-Jul-2015

First code and output: 

NSString *text = @"Sunny";

__weak NSString *string0 = text.lowercaseString;

__weak NSString *string1;

string1 = text.lowercaseString;


NSLog(@"%@, %@", string0, string1);


(null), sunny


But after I move the declaration of string1 above the text, output is different. Here is the code: 

__weak NSString *string1;

NSString *text = @"Sunny";

__weak NSString *string0 = text.lowercaseString;

string1 = text.lowercaseString;


NSLog(@"%@, %@", string0, string1);


sunny, sunny


I am very confused with the different output:

·         Why string0 and string1 is different in the first case?

·         Why the output of second case is different with the first?


Updated on 21-Jul-2015

Can you answer this question?


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